When your anxiety pushes you on the what-if train, what if you had tools to change your perspective? How would your day-to-day life change? Here’s what we mean. Let’s say you feel paralyzed in an anxious state as you anticipate an upcoming date, a promotion, a family event…  You can’t stop finding and ruminating over […]

Anxiety Hacks, Quick Mental Health Tips

August 30, 2024

4 Actions to Address Your Anxiety In The Moment

Most people don’t look forward to colder weather coming. The end of longer sunny days, more free time, going back to school, and the potential onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder — we don’t look forward to it either. The end-of-summer blues are real, but they don’t have to derail you.  Every year when summer fades, we […]

Anxiety Hacks, Quick Mental Health Tips

August 16, 2024

5 Habits to Tackle End-of-Summer Blues

Having a rough day, and want to reset your mood?  Take a shower! No, we aren’t kidding. Here’s why:  Go take a shower, and see if your mood improves.  Want to read more about the science behind it? Check out this article from Medium: 9 ways showering is brilliant for your mental health. Looking for […]

Anxiety Hacks, Resources

July 26, 2024

Reset Your Mood In 20 Minutes


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