After Therapy™ FAQ

It’s our way of approaching the healing process to help you move forward. Traditional psychotherapy is beneficial…until it’s not. Unfortunately many people end up cycling in and out of therapy, without ever really moving forward in their journey. Instead of talking in circles for years, we’ve defined clear phases of the healing process with notable benchmarks. Our goal is to help you create long term change by moving through the four phases of healing so you can reclaim your identity and feel fully yourself. 

Every client is different, and each person’s healing journey will look different too. The Forward Healing Model of Change® doesn’t box you in to being or feeling a certain way — it’s simply a measurement we use to best guide you on your unique path. There’s no set timeline for you, and your therapist may use any variety of tools and modalities to best support you.

Ever wondered what happens when you ‘graduate’ therapy? Well, now you don’t have to. We know that even when you graduate therapy, you still might want support. That’s why we created After Therapy®. Different from a psychotherapeutic relationship, After Therapy® focuses on coaching to help you move forward. 

All purchases can be refunded 50% up to 72 hours prior to the initial session for the program. 

Cancellation Policy is 48 hours. Any cancellation in less than 48 hours is the entire session cost. You are welcome to reschedule 1:1 sessions up to 72 hours before we meet here. If you are a member of a group and are unable to join a session please email us to let us know.

We collect your first payment upfront via credit card only, then we invoice monthly. You have the option to set up automatic recurring payments. 

Complete this inquiry form. 

The only single-session we offer is a Human Design reading. All our 1:1 After Therapy® offers are a 3-month minimum commitment. Our group is a 2-month commitment.

Therapy is how we offer mental health counseling and psychotherapy modalities.

After Therapy® is how we offer life coaching and human design services. 

The traditional medical model suggests that when you graduate therapy you’re “fixed” and your only job is to maintain the work you’ve done and try not to “relapse”. We disagree. We know that when you graduate from therapy, you might still want support. And we know that that support needs to look and feel different than your therapy support. So, we created After Therapy® to help you reclaim your identity and heal forward. 

Great question. Our short answer is: the status quo. The mental health industry is a long-standing institution that, like most, isn’t quick to change. We created the term After Therapy® to describe the support that is available to you when you graduate therapy, and to support you through our Forward Healing Model of Change®. 

The difference between 1:1 coaching and group coaching is in the level of community support. 1:1 coaching helps you meet your goals with the support of your coach vs. our group coaching program introduces you to people who are just like you, seeking to heal forward. The community energy of group coaching elevates your support network to not just your coach because you are healing alongside others. 

Life coaches help the clients they work with focus on identifying and moving towards personal and, at times, professional goals. Through focused coaching support, clients can learn healthy and helpful ways of navigating through challenges in creating a life they feel excited about. It may be interesting to learn that life coaching is rooted in clinical theory, often drawing on the work of Dr. Carl Rogers, Dr. Alfred Adler, and Dr. Carl Jung. Rogers, Adler and Jung saw individuals as fully capable artists of their lives, and frequently involved their clients in goal setting and life planning. These are all tenets and approaches in today’s life coaching methods. Coaching takes the best of those approaches, along with a new type of assistance for clients, such as: Working with the client to help them define life dreams and goals; Formulating a plan that will foster and grow the client’s skills and talents; Helping the client navigate difficult challenges in reaching their goals; Teaching tools and providing materials to assist the client; Helping the client with focus and accountability; Providing structure, encouragement and support; Providing intentional and empathetic listening.

If after your first session, or at some point during your coaching work, it is apparent that you would be better supported by Psychotherapy, and you are not located in Utah (the State our therapists are licensed in), our team will do our best to provide you with clinical referrals in your area, and will refer you out to a therapist.

If you are located in the State of Utah, and would prefer to work with Becca or anyone on our team in a Psychotherapy capacity, you can discuss this and, as long as it best supports what you hope to achieve in counseling, and falls under the scope of our practice, Becca or another therapist on our team may provide therapeutic support for you.

No. Providing counseling and coaching at the same time is not something that clinical therapists engage in, nor should a life coach without clinical training and licensing provide psychotherapy to coaching clients.